Come and buttonhole us!
A reminder to all that the GIA Career Fair is just around the corner…
This year’s event takes place at The Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London EC2V 6BN on Friday 5th April 2019.
The recruitment room for GIA Graduates opens at 1.30 p.m., and JOLYON MARSHALL LIMITED will be located in the Drawing Room.
Look out for our fully-restored and beautifully sign-written 1920’s Gypsy Cart, where Messrs Jolyon Marshall and Oliver Najeeb will be engaging our visitors in inspiring career conversations!
We look forward to discussing your future career aspirations, and of course receiving your well qualified CV’s on the day … or shortly thereafter.
Furthermore, the first one hundred visitors to whom we are properly introduced will receive a wearable gift - a boutonniere - flowers that you can wear on your coat, jacket or dress.
If you are not able to buttonhole us personally on the day, please feel very welcome to submit your details via this website.